Looking for a stake EV+ offer
GosuRage, Mar 14 2013
Hi guys
Im on LP from 2years.
Some of you know me, some of you not 
First of all i want to say that my posts counter was deleted and i dont know why.
I send request to lp and got answer from Joy but he dont know why it happen... but nevermind propably some bug on page.
Ok so why i need stake?
I cashout big amount of my bankroll for a personal reason (health problems in my family) and now i face a moment where i schould
go back on n10 :/
I wont grindind low stakes again thats why i need help.
I think its a good deal for me and other side because im a good, solid player so i think my offer is ev++
Ok so about stake.
-need 2000$ - 40bi on nl50
-Playing 4tables zoom
-stake is for 100k hands there is option to add another 100k if i dont make a good profit and still cant play this stakes at my own
(of course its decision of investor)
-If something go wrong i move down, 1500$ go to nl25 to rebuild roll
-Profit / rakeback is 50/50 for me/investor
-Rakeback - can take cash rewards or play satelites to storm (investor decision)
-everyday raling in my blog
-If i dont make profit rakeback - 100% goes to cover this lose
My nick on pokerstars same as here - GosuRage
If some1 is interested plz pm me 